Cone of Power: All Consciousness
Healing for Prosperity of Life with
Good Health & Money Wealth and Happiness
"DISTANCE CONSCIOUSNESS HEALING" is a very powerful technique that Dr. Marie uses and it is a healing first of your mind, then your whole being. Dr. Marie is a Reiki Practitioner as well as a Metaphysician and she uses these sciences of healing in ALL of her mind treatments, mental clearings, and healings. These have never failed, thus far, per client feedback. Dr. Marie has use these skills and techniques to the benefit of over 500 clients over the course of her career through the years conducting mind treatments, mental clearings, healings, and counseling; both in person and from a distance.
This treatment is designed to heal your conscious mind of scars, energy blocks, fears, traumas, generational trauma, addiction, et. al. for a total healing and refocusing of your consciousness so you can move forward, build the progress you wish to have in your life and manifest the health, happiness, joy, success, and even love in your life that you so richly and rightly deserve.
In this treatment, Dr. Marie combines science and your energies of body and spirit to transform blocks, fears, inherited traumas, and experienced traumas that can cause disease emotionally, mentally, and physically. Scientifically speaking, with no doubt whatsoever, our minds CREATE our reality. ALL of Dr. Marie's treatments have been successful in clients that have booked one or several treatments with Dr. Meade. The reasons for these success rates are many, but primarily come from Dr. Marie's many years of fine tuning her skills, expanding her techniques, and making sure her clients are at peace with themselves and with seeking the aid these treatments offer. Dr. Marie will now conducts these treatments from a distance, exclusively, with you comfortable at home asleep or readying for bed and her in her home office. The reason for you being relaxed and in bed or readying for sleep is to open your whole consciousness to the treatments and thus radically raising your chances for success with the treatments and healing from the past so you can create your ideal present and future.
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Distance Consciousness Healing