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3/10 - 4/14, 2025:
Aries Will Show the Way Astrological New Year Mind Treatment
"What The Infinite Mind Knows MUST BE". Divine Infinite Intelligence is "THE ESSENCE OF LIFE". IN THE NEW MIND TREATMENT, "ARIES WILL SHOW THE WAY", there are strong protections for "the evil" that is being perpetuated by certain world "leaders" as well as the "lesser" evils we encounter in our day to day lives. Once protections are done, you will be given "Divine Power" within the Aries time frame that should carry you through about 3-4 months and maybe a little longer. Beyond the mentioned protections, this mind treatment will align you with the positive aspects of the Aries astrological sign... personal power, passion in many different aspects of life, fiery energy to manifest your goals and take the action in the physical world needed to make them happen, physical movement and energy to be in and enjoy this amazing world around us, the ability to take the lead when needed and when wanted... Aries will show YOU the Way. This mind treatment must be scheduled and performed during Aries Season, March 21 through April 19; it be started earlier while the sign of Pisces is beginning to transition to Aries.
This Mind Treatment is not conducted in person. Ideally, you will be sound asleep in your home and Dr. Marie will conduct the mind treatment from her home office, at an agreed upon time that you can guarantee you will be sleeping or at least very relaxed and readying for sleep. This helps open your mind to the treatment and increases the success rate of opening your consciousness to experiencing the benefits of this treatment. Once this special is purchased, Dr. Marie will contact you to set a mutually convenient time where you can be sure you will be asleep or relaxed and ready for sleep for the reasons stated above. Mind Treatments are set on a first come, first served basis. So, set your time with Dr. Marie fast after booking this treatment; as stated above, this mind treatment must be performed before the end of Aries Season on April 19 and the transition to earthy Taurus. This mind treatment is only available during this time period of the year, if you do not take advantage of it now, you will have to wait until next Aries Season in March to April of 2026.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
3/6 -3/17, 2025:
Prayer for America
FULL MOON, TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, MARCH 14, 2025 AT 2:54 AM (EDT) IN VIRGO. This FULL MOON is very important and will push every life for a balance in VISION, PHYSICAL HEALTH OF MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, from ALL disorder, resolution of needs, lacks, wants, with “BALANCE”. OH-OH-OH that is NOT going to be easy. THE USA is walking a tightrope with Trump, Vance and Elon Musk
with unlawful and unsettling changes to protections, social safety nets, aid, and common decency of this nation. This prayer, written by Dr. Marie, is designed to open the way to protect your natural rights and autonomy as a citizen of the United States of America by channeling divine cosmic power to stand against the onslaught the current administration is leading against the very things that are meant to make this nation great.
This prayer will only be available during the time of this special.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
2/25 - 3/13, 2025:
Prayer to Overcome
With the NEW MOON on Thursday, February 27, 2025, it is time to really consider looking at your life within the United States. AND, just maybe, we have a slim chance of surviving with The Universe and correct Divine Assistance. The President of the United States, right NOW and right HERE, is incorporating all his disrespect for The USA and our country's democratic values IMPACTING ALL CITIZENS, both Democrats and Republicans. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in severe trouble with this president and his staff. The phrase "constitutional crisis" is not a strong enough description of the long lasting effects of his unlawful and illegal actions that circumvent congress at every turn since he retook the office. Trump is NOT paying any attention to the MANY State Court Rulings in a number of states against what he is doing. The courts cannot save us while Trump refuses to follow the Law of the Land. Time is of the essence. We need more power. At this point, WE NEED DIVINE POWERS!
This prayer will only be available during the time of this special. It has been designed and thoroughly plotted out and written and rewritten in the past few weeks by Dr. Marie to help build energy for the safeguarding of our individual rights and rights as a collective of citizens. It is also to safeguard us regardless of religion, race, gender, and sexual preference from the usurpations of protected rights and institutions that allow United States citizens to truly have the pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness that are now in danger if not already destroyed.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
2/16 - 3/14, 2025:
Good Luck Connection Mind Treatment
Luck seems tied to so many things in this earthly life... and seems arbitrary at best for most of us. It is time to change that! Like so many energetic aspects of this physical life on earth, luck is energy and connecting to it is merely a matter of having the right frame of mind, the right thoughts about luck, the right words in our minds to connect to that seemingly elusive energy that helps to determine success or failure in so many things... job prospects, overall career, safety, romance, timing in in family planning and moving/purchasing real estate and/or vehicles, so on and so forth etc. etc. etc.
Luck is life and life is luck. With this mind treatment you will be able to connect and use that lucky energy much more effectively and you'll be surprised at how easily and effortlessly it will seem with the right alignment of your mind and all levels of conscious being opened to Good Luck!
This Mind Treatment is not conducted in person. Ideally, you will be sound asleep in your home and Dr. Marie will conduct the mind treatment from her home office, at an agreed upon time that you can guarantee you will be sleeping or at least very relaxed and readying for sleep. This helps open your mind to the treatment and increases the success rate of opening your consciousness to experiencing the benefits of this treatment. Once this special is purchased, Dr. Marie will contact you to set a mutually convenient time where you can be sure you will be asleep or relaxed and ready for sleep for the reasons stated above. Mind Treatments are set on a first come, first served basis. So, set your time with Dr. Marie fast after booking this treatment. This mind treatment is only available at this introductory rate until March 14, 2025. Once the special expires, it will be available at its normal rate of $160.00 for the treatment
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Check back often for monthly and limited specials on counseling sessions with Dr. Marie, Mind Treatments, Guided Meditations, e-books and essays, and much more!