All "ENERGY" is very important and by its very nature, whether manufactured; inherent within the Universe; chemical and/or mechanical; natural within food; and especially within every cell of the human body. ALL ENERGY, by its very nature is continually moving and changing, contracting and expanding, becoming congested and releasing. Within the human body, there is a concentration of intense energy within what is called "The Chakras", an ENERGY discovered many centuries ago and today continues to be investigated for ALL it can and does do. Each is a Vortex of Energy within us, of energy, of the environment around us. Dr. Marie has designed this prayer to help you connect with and love the energy of each of your Chakras in your daily life, this connection and love of that connection will help you to utilize this store of amazing energy we each possess to create the life we want to live.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Daily Prayer of Prosperity
Know this, ALL THOUGHT IS CREATIVE, oh, yes it is. Thoughts create a mold in your Subconscious Mind (often called Subjective Mind) and sets "power in motion" according to the thought. Ignorance, through ALL LIFE since Human Life began, excuses NO ONE from its NEGATIVE EFFECTS. ALL Subconscious Minds Create and that level of mind and energy is set in motion by "CONSCIOUS THOUGHT" both negative and positive.
Now, ask yourself, are you creating a positive, prosperous life for yourself with your thoughts and resulting actions or inaction? Are you happy with your day to day life? Are you happy with your career? Are your daily needs met with comfort and no stress? If you are answering "no" to any or all of the above, you need this daily prayer to clear your mind and heart of negatives. Mindfully saying this prayer at least once per day will open your mind up to positive energies for prosperity and happiness. Take this offer while it is available to you, and create a prosperous life of possibility today forward.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Prayer for Abundance Mindset
ALL LIFE NOW at some time and just maybe at most times can be a struggle, and this wears all energy down and makes way at that point for “negativity” to come into life with more consistency. Having a POSITIVE ABUNDANCE MINDSET is what brings All GOOD to you. It is essential to bringing PROSPERITY to you. And abundance mindset assists you to FEEL, HAVE, LIVE with happiness and satisfied no matter what is happening around you.
Utilize this powerful Prayer by Dr. Marie at the start of your day for a boost of positivity into your mind and spirit to keep your mindset supercharged for positivity through the day and night. Let this positive energy fill everything you do while manifesting and working in the physical world to fulfill your desires and make your life the abundant life of happiness and monetary wealth you deserve.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Prayer for Manifesting Love
Use this metaphysical prayer to manifest love in your life, be that love romantic, sexual, platonic, familial. This prayer is the tool to bring the love you want and need into your life, you just need to focus on what your heart needs in your life right now. Look inward and make of what you need most before adding this to your daily manifestations, meditations, and prayers.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Prayer of Magical Self Fulfillment
The Magical Prayer of Self Fulfillment is a concise but powerful prayer that will bolster the effects of the mind treatment, but can be used in your daily prayers and meditations to keep the effects of this mind treatment, and all positives in your life, going strong perpetually while utilizing the prayer to manifest your goals and desires. A little magic can go a long way when it comes to making your life a fulfilling one.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Do you know within our physical bodies, there are very special impregnated imprints of spirituality that with proper care and activation gives human life the empowerment of perfection with "The Prosperity of Life". Know that being spiritually empowered makes a person aware of what makes achievement of The Prosperity of Life with ALL Health, Money Wealth, Happiness and Joy. And that is very important.
A very important and very strong Chakra is "YOUR THIRD EYE" known as "AJNA" in Sanskrit. It is the 6th of the 7 main Chakras. It is affiliated with The Pineal Gland and linked to The Gateway of Higher Consciousness. This is the "source", when activated , to ALL Spiritual Insight which includes intuition, imagination, clarity, understanding, clairvoyance, strong intention activation, and out-of-body experiences, plus much more. It is very much affiliated with The Divine Energy within The Crown Chakra.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Prayer for Protection from Negative Chaos
In these, now genuinely, uncertain times in the United States, this prayer has been specially written in earnest care and concern for all people living in the United States. It is a powerful prayer crafted to aid your peace of mind while building energy to protect your lives in all areas... livelihood, home, physical well-being and safety, physical and mental health, confidence in your identity, firm standing in your morals and values, conviction in your ethics. Protection for all aspects of personhood and daily life that come under threat in times of political upheaval when oligarchy and corruption attempt to gain sway.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.
Prayer of Real Magic
Step into the world of Divine Magic by "THE ONE OF ALL CREATION"; enchanted angelic beings; hauntingly beautiful Celtic and Italian mysterious mind powers; bursting forth with symbolism. All inspirations for a powerful life of the prosperity of life with good health, monetary wealth, with all happiness and deep deep joy. This is for ALL of humanity to connect to the earth, to the universe, to the innate connection to magic and manifestation we all have within to create our reality. A beautiful reality for our best good, and the best of our loved ones. This prayer is designed to raise you from any limitations, wounds physical and emotional, negativity, blocks, and elevate your vibrational frequency and awareness with the sacred love and light of the universe. Promoting your well being and amping up your intuition, even so far as extrasensory abilities, within you energy.
Please use the above Donation Button to purchase this Special. PayPal has deprecated their previous Shopping Cart integration, the old buttons still function and are 100% safe and secure, but the new integration PayPal utilizes is too new for the webhosting company currently used by Dr. Marie. Dr. Meade's webmaster is currently looking for a new hosting company to present on; the current webhost has no plans to upgrade their software any further than its present state, unfortunately. All new Services and Specials from Dr. Marie must be purchased in this manner until the transfer of this website is complete. Finding a new host and transferring this website to the new hosting company is expected to be completed by early 2025; however, it may be sooner. Please keep an eye out for updates on when may experience a few hours to a full day of down time while the transfer takes place.